A Whirlwind of Grace

by Carrie Warner

Our adoption journey is not your typical story. My husband, Joel, and I got married in 2002 right before our senior year of college. We didn’t think about having kids, but we didn’t really think about not having them either. We found out in 2007 that I had PCOS, and although it wouldn’t be impossible to have children, it would be difficult. We did discuss adoption during that year, but neither one of us felt it was the right time for adoption.

Prayer That Changes Things

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. This does not mean we are on our knees 24/7. But it does mean that we should live a life of prayer. Prayer is a conversation with God. And this conversation shouldn’t only happen when we have life-altering circumstances. It should be continual.

A Team of Grace

We all need encouragement from people around us. There is so much negativity out there, and sometimes we just need people on our team, building us up. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Have you ever felt like Satan was working

Faith to See

When reality meets our expectations, sometimes we are badly disappointed. But when we can put our faith to work and see how God can use our circumstances, it’s then that we see the miraculous. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Three

Trust While Waiting

Infertility is a reality many couples face. It is challenging, grueling, and heartbreaking. Yet, as Christians, we have hope because God walks with us through every battle we face.

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

I’ve dreaded this post. In fact, I’ve avoided it, wondering if it needed to be posted. But I know that my struggle is one that many have shared, are sharing, or will share at some point. Infertility is by far one of the toughest experiences I have been through. And while it is often a quiet and private battle, I feel like that secret hurt can be so devastating to our walk with God. I know that my story isn’t everyone’s story, but if you’ll read to the end, I think the application might apply.


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