Dear Mr. President,

“Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly — has inherent value.  Although each journey is different, no life is without worth or is inconsequential; the rights of all people must be defended.” -Donald Trump In your speech for the National Sanctity of Human Life Day

Because of That Little Boy

Read the heartfelt story of a couple who took the hardest trial of their lives and allowed God to work a greater miracle through it.

by Ruth Meyer

This past December, we adopted our second set of sibling groups from foster care. In October of 2014, my dream came true to have brown eyed children when we adopted our first set of siblings, two Hispanic children. We also were blessed with two healthy biological little miracles, one in October of 1997 and another in July of 2000. As of December 19, 2018 we have 7 Children! But that is not the beginning of our parenting journey, which is what I’d like to share with you today.

Profile Services

God led us to adoption exactly a year ago. There has been many ups and downs to the process of waiting, but it is undeniable that God has led us every step of the way. We completed our home study in July, and we have been less-than-patiently waiting for a phone call ever since.

My Little Superhero

by Lynze Weaver

Our story is one I never dreamed would be reality! In 2016 I felt God moving me to east TN and I didn’t really understand why. My friends pastored a church there, and I thought that’s why God was moving me to help them with the church. At least, that’s what I told myself, family and friends. I was also able to take a position as a NICU nurse, which had been my goal since starting nursing school. 

A Whirlwind of Grace

by Carrie Warner

Our adoption journey is not your typical story. My husband, Joel, and I got married in 2002 right before our senior year of college. We didn’t think about having kids, but we didn’t really think about not having them either. We found out in 2007 that I had PCOS, and although it wouldn’t be impossible to have children, it would be difficult. We did discuss adoption during that year, but neither one of us felt it was the right time for adoption.

Adoption: Touching Lives

November is set aside as adoption awareness month, and I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate it! Before we began our process of adoption, I had some friends who had adopted, but I didnt give it a whole lot of thought. Now, it’s ALL I think about!

President Trump gave a speech about this month and said, “My Administration also acknowledges the courage of those mothers and fathers who place their child for adoption. Our Nation grows stronger because of the love and sacrifice of parents, both birth and adoptive.”


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