You are wonderwoman—you take care of everyone else. You clean the house, cook the meals, do all the things. Sometimes you’ve got to slow down and enjoy life, relax and unwind.

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Sometimes life is in go, go, go mode, and we get so on the move that we don’t always unwind the way we should. If you have a full time job, and then come home to a full time job at home, your crazy routine is on repeat every 24 hours. If you are a full time mom, your whole day is spent giving in some way, that you might reach a point you feel like you can’t give anymore.

Regardless of what you do, I know you’re an overworked woman—we all are because our role as wife, mother, friend is so vitally important.

So take a break—you need it! I encourage you to once a week do something that relieves your stress. It’ll be like a stress detox.

Here are some ideas for easy ways to unwind.

1. Take a class to learn something new

You might say you have nothing of interest to take a class in. There are tons of things to learn. But beyond the knowledge, a benefit to taking a class is to get away from your crazy routine, meet new people, and better yourself as a person.

Where do you go to find a class? And what kind of class? There are tons of options out there.

A craft store like Joanne’s or Hobby Lobby usually has some type of craft class you can take like decorating cakes, sewing, or scrapbooking.

If that isn’t your thing, you can take a fitness class. Any gym will have one of these classes available for any skill level.

You could take a photography class. Who wouldn’t benefit from learning how to capture great pictures of their tribe? The number one most beneficial classes I ever took in college was an elective photography class. It was so good, I actually took two.

Do you have an itch to write? Take a writing class or a blogging class. I would highly recommend Bluehost if you are at all interested in blogging. I use this personally as my webhost which is essentially takes care of the techy stuff behind my WordPress account. It is geared toward learning and has a ton of resources. I couldn’t blog without this tool.

There are countless ways you can learn something new. It’s good for the soul.

2. Join a group

These groups come in a hundred different forms. It could be a book club or a cooking club or a Bible study. These can give you such a great outlet to socialize while doing something you enjoy. You may also find that this becomes a dear group of encouragers that band together. You need people who can rally around each other in this life. We were created for fellowship.

With all the technology we have these days, these groups can be easier to find then you think. You can even find a Facebook group to join about a subject you’re interested in. For instance, I have several groups I go to for encouragement: a group of fellow adoptive parents and a blogging group. Both understand and encourage me in different ways.

3. Get a sitter.

Wow, I cannot encourage this enough. I’m not saying this one has to be a weekly event, but you need time to be a couple. Time alone is incredibly important. Remember that you were a couple before you were ever a parent. Also, your kids need to see a healthy marriage so they know how to have a healthy marriage. I am a firm believer in the importance of the home in our nation. We need strong marriages to create strong families.

If finding a sitter for your designated time out is difficult, try Urban Sitter. Awesome new company that is safe and affordable.

UrbanSitter. Unlock Your Sitter Network.

4. Schedule something relaxing

Sometimes you just have to put it on your calendar and mane time for it, or it will never happen. How about a scheduled bubble bath? Or a massage? Maybe a workout time or a yoga class. You need to find time for you to unwind. Maybe this is just a walk around the neighborhood or time to read a book you’ve been wanting to read.

The key to all of this is to find an outlet for yourself to do something other than parent. Whatever helps you be you and not a crazy woman, you need to make time to do it. It will help you be a better parent, a better wife, and a better person.

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