Rain, rain, go away. Whenever it rains on my way to work, I can’t help but hope for it to quit. When we schedule an activity for church, and the rain shower ruins our plans, it gets on my nerves a bit. Why? Well, because to me it’s a nuisance. I’ve got things to do, and the rain sometimes messes up my plans or makes them a little more challenging.

The Bible says in Job 5:8-10, “I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number: Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields.”

I find this verse very interesting. Job is going through arguably the hardest situations in life that a person could go through. He’s lost his livelihood, his kids, health, friends; his wife wants him to curse God and die. It doesn’t look too good for Job at this point. But he has committed his way to the Lord, whatever He chooses for him. He realizes that God’s ways are higher and far better than his own. And then he says his marvelous works are shown in sending rain to the earth.

I’ve got to be really honest with you—I rarely think of rain being a miracle from God. Sure weather is a fascinating creation of our incredible Creator, but Job has been through a lot! Why is he thankful for the rain?

I don’t definitively know Job’s reasoning for pinning these words, but something jumped out of the pages of Scripture straight to my heart here—God knows what to send and when to send it. That is part of His miraculous ways.

Nobody wishes hard times to come into their life. But God knows what we need better than we do. Often I find myself wondering why God hasn’t allowed us to have a baby. However, I have to get rid of that way of thinking because without God’s “delay” in that area, we wouldn’t have decided to adopt at this point in our lives.

God works through the rain. So the next time you see rain up ahead, change your perspective and realize that rain is a sign of God at work.

Comments (1)

  1. Sherri


    It is so true about how hard to wait on God. You will receive more blessings than you ever dream of when you look back in your life as you get older.

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