We all want to feel accepted. Part of our nature as human beings is to need approval. This might be from our peers, from our parents, from a spouse, from a supervisor, or from the kids in our classroom. Some level of approval is something we each need.

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As part of the adoption process, you undergo a homestudy. The homestudy is a way for the agency and the state to evaluate your ability to care for a child.  They must approve you in order for you to be given a child through the state. This homestudy is incredibly extensive. Pages and pages and pages of questions and information. We had to send PDFs of birth certificates, our marriage certificate, social security cards, house layout, tax forms—you name it, we had to produce it. We had to come up with a home evacuation plan, a comprehensive list of contacts for emergencies. We had to be CPR certified, read two adoption books, take online parenting classes. We had several rounds of interviews, together and separate. They asked every question you could think of to try to get a thorough idea of how we were raised, how we met, how we work as a couple, our battle with infertility, how we plan to raise children, and many other personal questions. We had a home walk through. All of these things were compiled together and sent off to the state of Texas to evaluate and approve our being fit to adopt a baby.

Many times we were told that the actual approval was just a formality—just some paper work that needed to be signed to wrap up all the work we had done to get approved. But that doesn’t make you stop worrying about being approved. We had to wait an excursiating month to get word back that we had been approved. But the day we got the approval letter was probably one of the biggest burden-lifting steps of this whole process. To be accepted, approved, or worthy is such a secure feeling.

So many times we walk through life without feeling accepted. There can be many reasons behind these feelings. Sometimes it is because of our appearance or body image that we don’t think others accept us. Sometimes it is that girl who never gets the guy she likes to notice her. Maybe for some it’s the unattainable expectations their parents have put on them. Perhaps it is the shame they feel because of a mistake they have made that no one will let them forget. Maybe it’s because of a spouse who cheated on them. Some even fight the lies of Satan telling them they are unworthy of acceptance. No matter how we feel, as believers we are already accepted by God.

To the disciples, the woman at the well was of the wrong race and an adulterer, but to Jesus she was a precious soul that needed to believe on Him. To the villagers, the maniac was a lude, crude, nude dude (ok—I didn’t come up with that, thank you Kurt Copeland). To the disciples, he was a problem, but to Jesus, he was a precious soul overtaken by a demon. To the disciples, a little boy was a waste of time, but Jesus saw that same little boy as an avenue for a miracle. So He took his meager lunch and fed 5,000 people.

It makes no difference how anyone else sees you or your situation because you are a precious soul to God Almighty. Acceptance on earth pales in comparison to acceptance in heaven with the Abba Father that we have, whose love is unconditional and overwhelming. God created each of us in a way that brings Him glory. Think about that! If you feel you aren’t accepted because of how you were created, understand that you bring God happiness because of who you are. We are not just a number, not just a face, not just a nameless servant—we are His CHILDREN. 

Psalm 139:16–18 says, “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”  God fashioned you uniquely, and His thoughts towards you and His love for you is unfathomable to our human understanding.

As children of God, we are already approved. The worry we put on ourselves to be accepted is unnecessary because we already are accepted. We are loved with an extraordinary love from the One who intricately formed each of us.

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