We have been waiting for what seems like an eternity to officially announce that we are adopting. God has very clearly directed our hearts to this new adventure, and we could not be more excited. Let me start from the beginning. I have ALWAYS wanted to adopt. I remember even in high school listening to a preacher talk about his wife’s love for abandoned children, and how they had adopted, and I remember thinking that that had to be one of the truest forms of love there is in this world. What a beautiful picture of our adoption into God’s family. When Mark and I found out that it would be very difficult for us to conceive, I remember initially being crushed. We both “grieved” what we perceived was a loss in a way. We had both wanted to have our own biological children. God had started a burden in my heart a long time before this, but it was very interesting how we both landed on the same conclusion at the same time. We had been through various treatments trying to get pregnant, and nothing seemed to be working. When the “last straw” hit us, we were both devastated. But that same day it was as if God reached down and pointed our hearts both in the same direction. I knew what God wanted us to do, but I wasn’t sure if Mark was ready to commit to adoption. That same day, Mark came to me and said, “I think God has been working on me to love in a bigger way. How better to minister to someone than to adopt!” (I still get teary-eyed thinking about that conversation) We knew God wanted us to start on this journey. It was especially in this moment that we realized God wanted to give us a bigger dream. There was no “loss,” only a new dream. In the coming weeks, we searched adoption agencies and researched as much as possible (well, mostly I did, but I gave Mark all the information I was collecting). We landed on Christian Homes in Abilene, Texas. We had to complete a pre-application screening packet, but eventually we made it to a weekend orientation. The orientation was literally LIFE CHANGING! We came with this idea in our head of what adoption was, but left with a passion and burden for the world-wide community of adoption. During orientation we got to hear from adopted children (now adults), birth mothers, and those who had adopted. We got to know other couples who were wanting to adopt, as well as a slew of workers from the adoption agency that have been a part of this wonderful community for years. One case worker said that she felt like it was unfair that she got to see the hand of God at work in such a miraculous way every single day. Every case, in every way, is so clearly guided by God’s almighty hand. Before the orientation, we saw adoption as a way to start our family. But when we left the meetings, we realized that this was far bigger than that. This was a way to give a home to a child and to minister to a birth mother who couldn’t provide that same kind of home for her child. This was not just about a baby; this is much bigger than just us! So our adventure is beginning! We are thrilled to be a part of this amazing community of world-changers. Adoption is not just an alternative to having biological children. We now see it as a means to minister and put our love and faith into action. We appreciate all the love and support we have already felt from our loved ones. Thank you so much for investing your time, energy, and prayers. —

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