Hi! I am Michelle Cox. 

Everyone has a story, but I believe every person desires a life that is anything but ordinary.

Our journey to our anything-but-ordinary life has not been perfect, and we don’t pretend to have all the answers, but our path led us to adoption. After a life-long battle with PCOS and several years of fertility treatments, my husband and I decided to adopt. We completed our home study, waited a year to be matched with a birth mother, and now have a precious baby girl who has changed our lives forever.

Adoption is an amazing choice that we have been overjoyed to make, and it has led us to an amazing tribe of people whose lives have been touched in various ways by adoption. While adoption is certainly not the path for everyone, it is a wonderful picture of love, and we are excited to show Christ’s love in this way.

I enjoy the many paths God has led us down. For 8 years, I’ve taught high school English and coached girls’ basketball. I love being able to influence teenagers, and have a real, in-depth role in shaping their futures. My husband is a children’s pastor, and we enjoy being “big kids” with them. We also help in our college and career class. So all of our areas of service amount to us having some very unique experiences with people from many different stages of life: we LOVE it!

I have a genuine desire to encourage, help, and influence women of all stages of life to embrace their extraordinary lives and be anything but ordinary. From the second grader in our children’s ministry and the single in our college group all the way to you and where ever your life has led you: I hope to be a resource or encouragement to live in an anything but ordinary kind of way!